Pastor's Blog (& Vlog)


Sunday - 9AM Adult Bible Study 10AM Worship Service

The latest at Pathways Community Church

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



  Love is the greatest force in the world!    A few years back, the great annual philosophical debate up in New York Mills, Mn., the town that makes Lund boats, has lots of Finns living there, where they love their saunas and when you come out of their sauna, they dump a bucket of cold water over you!  Yes, strange things happen up there, but the big debate was on this question:   Which is the greatest motivator:  love or fear?   

       Both motivate.  If someone says do t

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



  What does it take to be a Super Bowl Christian?  The six traits that define a Super Bowl team can be the same traits that define a Super Bowl Christian.        1 Cor. 9:24-27,       Phil. 3:12-14

 Desire.    Paul says: ‘Run to win.’  Desire is to want something.  Strong desire is the key to accomplishing anything.   Vince Lombardi said: “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.”

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Thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



    A while back there was a 6-year-old girl who contracted a terrible disease. To survive, she needed a blood transfusion from somebody who had previously conquered the same disease. The situation was complicated by her rare blood type. Her 9-year-old brother qualified as a donor, but everyone was hesitant to ask him since he was just a lad. Finally, they agreed to have the doctor pose the question.

   The attending physician tactfully asked the boy if he was willing to be

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



   Micah 6:8 says: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”       I believe walking with God is the most exciting adventure the human spirit can know.  There is nothing else like it.  And since Christianity is not rules and regulations and rituals, but a personal relationship with the Living God, one thing I have found out and enjoyed, is how often the Lord surprise

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Thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



 Jesus, the Man with many names.  Isaiah 9:6,7

    Perhaps you have seen those posters that are filled with the names of Jesus.  Yes, He has many. Some are names, some are titles, some are references to His character, some refer to what He has done or will yet do.  In this famous Christmas passage, we see 4 more names for Jesus. 

   1. Wonderful counselor: He is the best counselor.  Do you need wisdom today?  He can give it to you.  Let Him be your counselor.  He is the One

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



  It happens every year. We know it’s coming.  This supposed to be joyful time of year when we still have all our usual duties to do and then we add a lot of extra things to do.  Holiday stress!   

   You know you’ve got it when your husband keeps saying to you nightly: “Let’s just take a cruise and not come back until Jan. 1.”        You know you’ve got it when you find your hands around your neighbor’s neck after they just told you that they got all their shopping done la

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



   In Psalm 11, David had received a word from a close advisor, telling him to run for the hills, flee like a bird off to some safe mountain. Instead, David paused and asked a very insightful question: “if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”   

   Good question!  The dictionary defines foundation as: ‘the basis upon which something stands or is supported.’  

 The foundation here refers to the people and the law and government which make society possibl

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



   Ps. 46:8 says: ‘Come, see what God has done.’  It’s like: ‘pssst,  hey you, come back here for a moment’.  God invites us to travel back in history.   ‘Remember how I rescued you before?   Remember how you thought you were going to die, and yet you’re still here?  

      Do you really think that I brought you this far and now I’m just going to forget about you?     That now you’re on your own, buddy?    What kind of a Father do you think I am?   What kind of a God do you

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



  Today, in all this confusion, fear and even natural disasters, what do we say to others who ask where is God in all this?       Remember, we all ask similar questions and there are no quick, glib, slick answers that will solve everything quickly. 

       1. First, we can grieve with those in pain, from whatever the cause of the pain is. When disasters come, it’s time for the church not to point fingers, but to be the church and do what we can to help out.   

    2. We can

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett




A boy asked his teacher: ‘Should I be punished for something I never did?’       Teacher:‘Absolutely not!’  Boy:‘Good, because I never did my homework.’!                Tricky boy!        There are some things we are to do and in Col. 4:17 we see one of them.  We are to fulfill the ministry God has given us!           Why? 1. Because of all what God has done for us.    We now have good news to share, share it! 2. Because people need the Lord.  Jesus said there is salvat...
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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



   At the end of Colossians, Paul mentions Mark. Mark was the cousin of that great encourager, Barnabas. Mark was a Jewish believer from Jerusalem. He was an interesting guy. According to Acts 15, Paul got into an argument with Barnabas over whether they should take Mark with them on the missionary trail again. Mark had deserted them the last time. Paul was saying: ‘he’s not reliable. He will just let us down again.’ 

    12 years later, Paul must have had a change of hea...
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Thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett




   Col. 3:1,2   When we set our minds on things above, it gives us the victory we need by setting our hearts free from being enslaved to our selfish desires and ways of doing things to seeking what is best for others.       For example, this helps greatly in marriages, or any relationship.  When 2 people get married they both come into it with different backgrounds, different temperaments, different maturity levels, different expectations and different ways of doing thin...
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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



  Have you heard of the Law of Echoes?  That what you give out to others is what you’ll get back from them. Like hollering in a canyon: ‘Hello’, and soon you’ll hear back: ‘hello, hello, hello.’  Yell out: ‘I hate you’ and soon you’ll hear back: ‘hate you, hate you’      Jesus said to treat others the way you want them to treat you.  Matt. 7:12   Like begets like.  Smiles breed smiles. Condemn others and they’ll condemn you.  Put up with others and they will probably put u

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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



  In Colossians ch. 2, Paul provides some wise advice on ideas to watch out for, to avoid, such as:Don’t fall for the hollow, empty ideas of the world, that promise much but never deliver.      Don’t fall into the joy-stealing, grace-denying trap of legalism.       Don’t fall into the trap of seeking objective, spiritual truth apart from the Word of God.        Don’t fall for the trap of thinking that extreme forms of self-punishment will gain you spiritual brownie points....
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thoughts from the trail

by: Steve Fawcett



    Col. 1:16 says that Jesus created all things.   If the Lord created all things, then our lives have meaning.  It means our choices are real. It means we can make a difference in this world.  And since we are made in God’s image, not in the image of some primordial slime, our lives have significance.      If evolution is true, then there are no absolute standards of right and wrong. Then abortion, transgenderism, genocide, euthanasia are simply man made, personal prefer...
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