Guarding Our Self-Worth


Sunday - 9AM Adult Bible Study 10AM Worship Service

Oct. 24, 2021

From an early age, we are all bombarded with what others think of us, who they say we are.  Not all of it is bad or wrong, but we are often quick to believe lies about ourselves and others.  So how can we know the truth about who we really are?  It's simple.  Go to God's word.  There you will find who you were and who you are today.  Our self-worth should not be informed by the world and its values but by the Word and its truth.  Listen in as Pastor Steve uses the story of Manesseh from 2 Chronicles 33 to show how God uses forgiveness, forgetting, and remembering to establish our identity and worth, and all for His glory.

click here for Message Notes

click here for the bulletin (also reproduced below)